The Chart

Below is a table that shows a range of microbes and their relevant kill factors. The table shows the incident energies of germicidal ultraviolet radiation at 253.7 nanometers (UVC) necessary to inhibit colony formation in organisms (90%) and for 3-Log (99.9%) reduction.

It is important to keep in mind that when operating any UVC equipment that more exposure/energy is better. In the case of the GreenZapr/miniZapr equipment, a more significant level of exposure is achieved in fractions of seconds. One should not get focused too precisely on any specific number. A more careful, deliberate approach to UVC equipment operation will result in greater certainty that any risk of infection by microbes has been reduced significantly.

For an analysis of the GreenZapr/miniZapr energy output, click here.

Energy needed for kill factor Microwatt seconds per square centimeter - Organism

90% Kill Factor 99% Kill Factor
Bacillus anthracis 4,520 8,700
Bacillus magaterium sp. (spores) 2,730 5,200
Bacillus magaterium sp. (veg.) 1,300 2,500
Bacillus paratyphusus 3,200  6,100 
Bacillus subtilis spores 11,600  22,000 
Bacillus subtilis 5,800  11,000 
Clostridium tetani 13,000 22,000
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 3,370  6,500 
Eberthella typosa 2,140  4,100 
Escherichia coli 3,000 6,600 
Leptospira Canicoal-infeetions Jaundice 3,150  6,000 
Micrococcus candidus 6,050  12,300 
Micrococcus spheroides 1,000  15,400 
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 6,200  10,000 
Neisseria catarrhalis 4,400  8,500 
Phtomonas tumeficiens 4,400  10,000 
Proteus vulgaris 3,000  6,600 
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5,500  10,500 
Pseudomonas fluorescens 3,500  6,600 
Salmonella enteritidis 4,000  7,600 
Salmonella paratyphi-enteic fever 3,200 6,100 
Salmonella typhosa-typhoid fever 2,150  4,100 
Salmonella typhimurium 8,000  15,200 
Sarcina lutea 4,200  19,700 
Serratia marcescens 2,420  3,400 
Shigella dysenteriae-Dyentery 2,200 4,200 
Shigella flexneri-Dysentary 1,700 3,400 
Shigella paradysenteriae 1,680 3,400 
Spirillum rubrum 4,400 6,160 
Staphylococcus albus 1,840  5,720
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 2,600  6,600 
Streptococcus hemolyticus 2,160  5,500
Streptococcus lactis 6,150  8,800 
Streptococcus viridans  2,000 3,800 
Vibrio comma-Cholera 3,375  6,500

Energy needed for kill factor Microwatt seconds per square centimeter - Protozoa

  90% Kill Factor 99% Kill Factor
Chiarella vulgaris (Algae) 13,000  22,000 
Nematode eggs 4,000  92,000 
Paramecium 11,000 22,000

Energy needed for kill factor Microwatt seconds per square centimeter -Virus

  90% Kill Factor 99% Kill Factor
Bacteriophage (E. coli) 2,600  6,600 
Infectious Hepatitis 5,800  8,000
Influenza 3,400  6,600 
Poliovirus-Poliomyelitis 3,150  6,000 
Tobacco mosaic 240,000  440,000 

Energy needed for kill factor Microwatt seconds per square centimeter -Yeast

90% Kill Factor 99% Kill Factor
Brewer’s yeast 3,300  6,600 
Common yeast cake 6,000  13,200 
Saccharomyces carevisiae 6,000  13,200 
Saccharomyces ellipsoideus 6,000  13,200 
Saccharomyces sp. 8,000  17,600 

Energy needed for kill factor Microwatt seconds per square centimeter - Mold Spores (Color)

  90% Kill Factor 99% Kill Factor
Aspergillus flavis (Yellowish green) 66,000  90,000 
Aspergillus glaucus (Bluish green) 44,000  88,000 
Aspergillus niger (Black) 132,000  330,000 
Mucor racemosus A (White gray) 17,000 352,000 
Mucor racemosus B (White gray) 17,000  352,000 
Oospora lactis (White) 5,000  11,000 
Penicillium expansum (Olive) 3,000 22,000 
Penicillium roqueforti (Green) 13,000 26,400
Penicillium digitatum (Olive) 44,000  88,000 
Rhisopus nigricans (Black) 111,000 220,000

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